Treatment for Rose Diseases

Roses are among the most romantic flowers, but growing them is a chore. No matter how much care you put in them, your beloved rose bushes would eventually be affected with diseases, which you need to remedy as soon as possible before it would get any worse. But before reaching for that fungicide spray, consider […]

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Spring Home Make Over Tips

The cold season’s almost over, and it’s time to usher in the new season. To prep your house for the arrival of the season of bloom, here are a few things to get you started. Let the light in Now that the snow and the cold is almost gone, it’s time to open your windows […]

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Cobblestone Houses

Beginnings There’s something very quaint and picturesque about cobblestone houses and buildings. Building with cobblestones began in the 1800s and went on for about 40 years. It was a folk art that flourished in Western New York since 1825, until the Civil War broke out. About 900 cobblestone buildings and houses were built in New […]

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How To Prepare Your Home For Summer

Summer is fast approaching (what with global warming and all), and before you know it, it’s going to feel warm and stuffy inside your house. Before the summer heat befalls your dwelling, take the following steps to prep your home for the sunny season. Open your windows to air out your entire house. Get rid […]

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